With an in-depth understanding of the insurance sector, our lawyers provide a practical and expert approach to defending insurance claims.
Efficient and cost-effective, our team offers a broad spectrum of services to the insurance industry.
We provide a full range of defence services representing insurance companies and self-insured companies. These services include occupiers’ liability claims, professional negligence to those in health services and other professionals, motor vehicle accident claims, product liability, environmental claims, property loss, subrogation claims, and we assist with coverage opinions and claims.
Drawing on our extensive trial experience, our team represents clients before the various levels of court in Ontario up to the Supreme Court of Canada.
- Administrative Dismissals: Setting Aside the Dismissal and Factors Considered
- Is It a Lemon?: The Limits of Legal Blameworthiness for Product Manufacturers
- Best Lawyers Recognizes Pallett Valo in 2025 Edition of Best Law Firms™ – Canada
- Jurisdiction Shopping Called Out
- CERB/CRB Deductibility in a Motor Vehicle Accident and Double Recovery
- “You Should Have Told Us You Wanted That Kind of Coverage”: What Does Your Insurance Broker Owe You?
- The Dog Owners’ Liability Act v. The Occupiers’ Liability Act – At Odds?
- Standard of Care in Recreational Sports: Liability Findings Despite Permissible Rules of Sports
- When a Notice of Cancellation Is Deficient: Summary Judgement Granted against Insured Seeking Coverage Post-policy Termination Date
- Enjoying Life Post-Accident: Requests for Social Media Productions v. Intrusion on Privacy
- What Is a Compensable Mental Injury?
- When Is a Misrepresentation Actionable?
- Motor Vehicle Accident in Quebec for a Non Resident – Quebec Law Still Applies!
- Recent Court of Appeal Decisions Re Tort of Intrusion Upon Seclusion
- Exclusion under the Condominium Unit Owners Policy for Criminal and Intentional Actions
- Court Permits Extension of Time for Discovery in Simplified Procedure Action
- Anticipated Changes to Rules Effective March 31, 2022 Regarding Pre-trials and Expert Reports
- Can a Policy Breach Result in a Denial of Coverage Even When Discovered Late in the Litigation?
- Are These Expert Fees Reasonable?
- Application of the Test for Admission of Fresh Evidence
- Does the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, Relieve Liability?
- Was the House Vacant When the Home Owner Moved Out for Medical Treatment?
- Are Costs Not Justified for a Successful Party – One With Insurance?
- Ontario Court of Appeal Upholds Data Exclusion Clauses in CGL Policies – No Duty to Defend
- Lawyers Swearing Affidavits
- The Cost Consequences of Playing Hardball
- The Court of Appeal’s Recent Decision on Social Host Liability
- Productions and Affidavit of Documents in Personal Injury Matters
- Court of Appeal Affirms Dismissal of Slip and Fall Action as Being Out of Time; Discoverability Did Not Extend the Limitation Period
- Electronic Waivers – What Is Required for Their Effectiveness?
- Virtual Hearings Are Likely to Retain a Permanent Place in the Judicial Tool Box
- Apportionment of Costs Based on the Insurance Policy Limits
- Recent Decision on Parameters for an Application Before the Divisional Court
- No Costs for the Defendant, Who Is Successful at Trial
- Can There Be Liability for an Injury Sustained During Hockey?
- Battle of the Experts and What Is Reasonable Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act
- Duty to Defend; But There Is Another Policy Responding and Did the Pleadings Go Far Enough?
- What Is Required to Transfer an Action to a Different Jurisdiction?
- Coping with Foreseeable Events
- Bill 118 –Proposed Amendment to the Occupiers’ Liability Act
- Is There Coverage for a Cancelled Policy?
- Skateboards, Malls and a Lot of Litigation!
- When an Accident Is Just That – an Accident
- Excluding Parties from attending Examinations for Discovery
- Eggs thrown from a vehicle – does that mean that the accident was occasioned by a motor vehicle?
- Does the Tort of Harassment exist?
- Households, cottages and insurance!
- Underinsurance Coverage
- The Consumer Protection Act vs. The Occupiers’ Liability Act – which prevails when dealing with a waiver of liability?
- Consequences for not having a matter placed into Simplified Procedure
- What are your requirements under the Occupier’s Liability Act? Does it apply to you?
- Court of Appeal Narrows Liability on Manufacturers in Landmark Product Liability Decision